With Spanish Early Music Ensemble LA GUIRLANDE
3.00pm: PART ONE: ESTERHAZY (1761-1790)
For 30 years Haydn served as Kapellmeister at the Esterhazy court in the backwaters of rural Hungary. His Patron, Prince Nikolaus, was a musical connoisseur who had assembled the finest orchestra in Europe. He was an accomplished player on the baryton and Haydn composed a flood of music, more than 200 works, for him to play. But Haydn felt trapped, distanced from musical developments elsewhere, isolated and lonely “so I was obliged to develop my imagination.”
Trios for baryton, viola and cello Hob XI: 109/110/103
(Arr for traverso flute, violin, cello)
Divertimentos Hob IV 7/10/9
A Vienese-inspired tea (£18) is offered in the interval for those attending both concerts (booked with tickets).
5.30pm: PART TWO: LONDON (1791-1792 and 1794-1795)
In 1791, following the death of Prince Nikolaus he was succeeded by his son Anton who, wanting to economise, disbanded the orchestra. Haydn was free to accept an invitation to London where he enjoyed immense fame and success as a freelance musician and composer.
Trios for traverse flute, cello and fortepianoTrios No 29, Hob XV 15 / No 30 Hob XV 17 / No 28 Hob XV 16 Variations in F minor, Hob.XVll for solo pianoforte

Each concert: £35 / £30 / £22 – Students £10
25% Reduction for both concerts booked together
£18 – tea with sandwiches and cakes, booked with tickets.