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Wimbledon International Music Festival 2020
Virtual Festival – Series of ‘Recitals with Attitude’


Diabelli Variations

Paul Lewis piano
in conversation with
Anthony Wilkinson

Beethoven Cello Sonata

Raphael Wallfiasch cello
John York piano

Beethoven Trio Explored

Michael Collins clarinet
Robin O’Neill bassoon
Michael McHale piano

‘The Vision’ of Hildegard of Bingen

Clare Norbrn author/voice
Ariane Prüssber voice
Jean Kelly medieval harp
Teresa Banham as Hildegard
Nicholas Renton film director

Preparing a Solo Piano Recital

Clare Hammond piano

Colour and the Viola

Rivka Golani viola, painter
Michael Hampton piano

String Quartet op 130
Solem Quartet

Amy Tress
William Newell violins
Stephen Upshaw viola
Stephen Tress cello

Father, Son & Godfather

Ashley Solomon flute
Bojan Cicic violin
Reiko Ichiseviola da gamba
Julian Perkins harpsichord

I Shall Hear in Heaven
Beethoven’s Deafness
A Discussion:

Piers Lane
Clare Hammond
Anthony Wilkinson
Tama Matheson